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The My Most Trusted Chrome Extension and Mobile App allows you to turn LinkedIn into a prospecting machine. However, a sales tool is nothing without a sales method. Let’s do some LinkedIn Training.

Every Wednesday we conduct free training on LinkedIn using the chrome extension and mobile app. We form support groups, network, and help each other with our businesses.

  1. Give our app a five-star rating here.
  2. Join us each Wednesday using this sign up form.
  3. In return for this training, please invite ONE new person to join our session each week.

Each free LinkedIn training session is one hour long: 30 minutes theory followed by 30 minutes Q&A. If you cannot attend the seminars in person, you can get the recordings below.

If you dedicate one hour a week to your LinkedIn prospecting it will work. Put it in your diary and learn our process, it will become a major part of your business.

If you want to know more about our full suite of LinkedIn software and training, visit

LinkedIn Training Session Recordings

Lesson 1 Recording

Our first session began with an overview of the why:

  1. Why should I spend an hour a week on LinkedIn? Growing my sales funnel? Generating leads?
  2. Why should I diligently measure and monitor my sales process? Build relationships with other users? Network on LinkedIn?

Homework: Please install the extension, login and add five people to the “Trusted Connections” tab.

(Apologies for the quality of the session 1 zoom recording)

Lesson 2 Recording

Session 2 was technical. I showed you how to:

  1. use the My Most Trusted app to search LinkedIn and quickly send personal invitations,
  2. see who has accepted those invitations; and
  3. set up quick message templates and send LinkedIn messages to your contacts super-fast.

You can now speed up your LinkedIn prospecting by 300%!

Homework: Please think carefully about the location, industry, and job title of key people you would just love to get in front of. For example:

  • Do you want to reach MD’s of construction companies in New York?
  • …or CIO’s of pharmaceutical companies in the UK?

Please send out 30 invitations using the app, wait a day or two and push the “check acceptances” button. Then, send out acceptance messages to everyone who accepted your LinkedIn invitation. Remember to use the message templates in the SETTINGS menu of the Chrome Extension.

Lesson 3 Recording

Well done. You now have the skills to build a basic ‘LinkedIn Prospecting Machine’ – but you only know the basics. The stuff that’s on its way is going to make all this look like child’s play.

Today you learned your very first “Secret LinkedIn Conversion Technique.”

You probably send heaps of LinkedIn messages… but sadly so few respond. 🙁

I explained why they don’t respond and How to fix it.

The trick is to combine human nature with empathy and insight: people will want to converse with you on LinkedIn when you make bold, provocative statements that demonstrate professional insight.

Homework: write and send out at least three professional insight messages to your practice contacts.

Lesson 4 Recording

Today’s LinkedIn training session was fun.

I showed you a little-known function in the MMT extension called “Chat Circles.” Every week we break into groups of three and use Chat Circles to create little support groups. You will be able to lean on and help each other.

You can also use Chat Circles in your own company – to make communication between team members easier.

Homework: Read my e-book called The Captivating One-liner on the home page. Here is another short training video to help you.

Lesson 5 Recording

Today we started looking at your The Captivating One-liner (note the e-book at This one simple line that speaks to the pain of your audience and is used as the headline for your LinkedIn and email marketing content.  Get this right and your clicks will go up by 1000% (yes, that’s a 10x improvement!)

HOMEWORK – nail down your Captivating One-liner and share it with your support group. Don’t have a support group? Come to a Wednesday session and join one.

Bonus: if you really want to get to grips with the Captivating One-liner, here is a seminar I gave on the subject:

Lesson 6 Recording

You now know the basics, including how to create a tracking link!

By using a tracking link, you will get notified in real-time the moment someone clicks on any link you choose, including your Captivating One-liner. Why is this relevant? Because if you send them a Professional Insight message at the same time they interact with your content, they are even more likely to respond.

Also today, we finalised your Captivating One-liner for LinkedIn and the content that goes along with it. This LinkedIn training has taught you the science of LinkedIn sales conversions using the My Most Trusted Chrome extension along with the art of content and messaging people on LinkedIn in a soft, gentle and credible way.

Your course homework is to go out and do it! Invite 150 people, send out your invitations and acceptances, track your clicks and send professional insight messages. Build your sales pipeline. You know enough to make magic happen!

Coming up in the next few weeks: we move into getting referrals using the My Most Trusted app and we delve into the actual sales processHow do you convert all these LinkedIn leads into appointments?

Lesson 7 Recording

You’ve learned how to build a LinkedIn sales and lead generation machine. Now we teach you how to convert those LinkedIn connections into calls, appointments and customers.

In this session we get into the My Most Trusted mobile app alongside an introduction to the messaging and follow-up technique. The mobile app is a mirror of the My Most Trusted Google Chrome Extension. It allows you to work your leads on the road and get realtime notifications when a lead is active.

Lesson 8 Recording

Today we had a special guest! 

In our training course today, Shirree Leone teaches clients how to convert LinkedIn leads into calls and appointments. She acts as a sales manager (of sorts), ensuring that salespeople and business owners (who are themselves salespeople) are:

i) getting LinkedIn and email leads in the first place,
ii) working those leads properly and
iii) converting those leads into calls, appointments and sales.

Shirree Leone
You can view her LinkedIn profile here.

Here she teaches the LinkedIn lead conversion process in detail. It’s all about sales diligence. You only need half an hour, three days a week. Sit down, make yourself a cup of coffee and work those leads. The greatest salespeople in the world are the most diligent.

Lesson 9 Recording

Today we learned a second “Secret LinkedIn Sales Conversion Technique” called CLUSTERING. Hands up anyone who remembers the first technique! 🙂

There is more than one decision-maker in a company, right? But… you probably only have one of them as a lead you’ve generated from the My Most Trusted LinkedIn and email prospecting system. Today I taught you how to create a CLUSTER of decision-makers within an organisation to increase your chances of getting that call / appointment.

We employed the ancient art of ‘name dropping’ on LinkedIn 😉

Lesson 10 Recording

Today’s free LinkedIn training seminar was all about BOOKING THOSE CALLS.

For some people, prospecting on the phone is terrifying. It’s especially terrifying if the contact didn’t specifically ask for that call. In other words, you need a reason to proactively call them… and you need to be comfortable with this reason so it can’t feel like spam.

HOMEWORK: To prepare, watch this astonishing amazing incredible freediving video here.

I’ll explain the relevance to LinkedIn prospecting in the next class.

Lesson 11 Recording

This Wednesday we had a special guest of the HIGHEST calibre. Sally Anderson coaches billionaires, senators and senior political figures.

She has taught us how to overcome our fears and frustrations to: 1) be diligent and actually send your LinkedIn messages and follow-ups, even if you don’t bloody well feel like it. 2) Realise that your LinkedIn prospect REALLY DOES want to have a great conversation with you. So don’t be shy – speak to them!

The prospect has come so far along your LinkedIn lead generation process. You’ve invited them, they’ve clicked or replied to your Captivating One-liner article, you’ve sent out your “Professional Insight” messages and emails.

How do you overcome your fear? If they are not responding to your LinkedIn messages, how do you handle the perceived rejection? How do you get the guts to phone them even if they haven’t specifically come to YOU and asked for a meeting?

Lesson 12 Recording

This training session was about affiliates and partners.

How do you find partners, re-sellers and agents on LinkedIn? How do you build an army of people out there selling and advocating for your product or service?

Lesson 13 Recording

This was rated one of the best Linkedin training lessons thus far.

I showed you how to combine the EMOTIONAL sell (conducted face-to-face or via LinkedIn direct messenger) and the RATIONAL sell (which happens outside of the human conversation – via your LinkedIn profile, website, etc.).

Amazingly, you should never talk about your product or service until the last possible moment, at which point the sale should be a mere formality. It sounds incredible, but all is made clear here.

Lesson 14 Recording

Today we learned how (and more importantly WHEN) to leave a LinkedIn voice message. Yes, it’s possible!

If you use the LinkedIn mobile app (especially alongside the My Most Trusted Mobile app) you can leave a one minute LinkedIn voice message via DM. Get it right and it’s a wonderful way to establish a business relationship. Get it wrong and it will irritate the person receiving it.

A little secret: rehearsing and perfecting your LinkedIn voice message is an amazing way to prepare yourself for your first phone call to a LinkedIn lead that you’ve generated using this methodology 😉

Lesson 15 Recording

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

This isn’t me.

So this week I showed you how I personally use MMT – live in person. See first hand how I write my LinkedIn outreach messages, how and when I script my soft sales follow-ups… and watch me move leads down my LinkedIn sales pipeline.

I uses my own system for LinkedIn lead generation – I absolutely practice what I preach.

Lesson 16 Recording

In today’s session, I showed you how to structure and record an impactful three minute, highly personalised LinkedIn lead generation video (with a Captivating One-liner of course.) Use this video to get responses from your LinkedIn direct messages and boost sales.

Lesson 17 Recording

Our special guest today is Gerhard Greef. Gerhard is the best performing user of our LinkedIn sales system. Watch how this man sells!

The amazing thing about Gerhard (among many) is that he is an engineer by trade. He isn’t a natural sales person yet he sells so incredibly well.

Lesson 18 Recording

Watch me work one-on-one with four members of the audience from four different countries with four different business. Now, they all have eggs!

What’s an egg? An egg is a bite-size, easy-to-sell, easy-to-refer one-pager that gets you in the door with one small deal. That small deal “hatches” into a bigger deal and your LinkedIn lead generation pays dividends. Keep pushing and sales will come!

This technique also makes it much easier for people to refer you.

Lesson 19 Recording

Today I spoke about drip email / email journeys / email marketing sequences (whatever you prefer to call them).

A decade ago I wrote a short book on the subject of email marketing. It gives a different perspective on the same idea about how and why sales and lead generation is all about building one on one relationships. Here is the book: 

…and here is the video where I take you through the principle known as Relationship -→ Data -→ Sale. First, build a relationship. Understand the prospect you wish to do business with. Get to know them. Then, only make an offer to sell when you are 90% sure they are going to accept.

A sales proposal should be merely a formality! If you are sending out proposals or quotes and you not getting any sales, then you have a problem. This problem can be fixed.

Lesson 20 Recording

In this session, I took a bunch of keen LinkedIn learners through the steps on how to create their own event on LinkedIn and how to invite people to their event in the most efficient way, scoring as many people as possible.

Use this video to learn how you too can start your own event and invite people to join in less than 10 minutes over the course of a couple of weeks.

Please invite one new person to attend our free LinkedIn training each week. This keeps our group growing. They can quickly catch up from the recordings and join us in the live groups if they wish. Send them this link to sign-up.